On the degeneracy between $fσ_8$ tension and its Gaussian process forecasting [CEA]


In this Letter we reconstruct the growth and evolution of the cosmic structure of the Universe using Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for Gaussian processes. We estimate the difference between the reconstructions that are calculated through a maximization of the kernel hyperparameters and those that are obtained with a complete exploration of the parameter space. We find that the difference between these two approaches is of the order of $1\%$-$5\%$ depending on the selected kernel. Furthermore, we compare our results with those obtained by Planck Collaboration 2018 assuming a $\Lambda$CDM model and we do not find a statistically significant difference in the redshift range were the reconstructions of $f\sigma_{8}$ have been made in the literature, which will impact seriously the reported cosmological tensions.

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M. Reyes and C. Escamilla-Rivera
Tue, 8 Mar 22

Comments: 6 pages, 2 figures