Curvature-matter couplings in modified gravity: from linear models to conformally invariant theories [CL]

In this proceeding, we review modified theories of gravity with a curvature-matter coupling between an arbitrary function of the scalar curvature and the Lagrangian density of matter. This explicit nonminimal coupling induces a non-vanishing covariant derivative of the energy-momentum tensor, that implies non-geodesic motion and consequently leads to the appearance of an extra force. Here, we explore the physical and cosmological implications of the nonconservation of the energy-momentum tensor by using the formalism of irreversible thermodynamics of open systems in the presence of matter creation/annihilation. The particle creation rates, pressure, and the expression of the comoving entropy are obtained in a covariant formulation and discussed in detail. Applied together with the gravitational field equations, the thermodynamics of open systems lead to a generalization of the standard $\Lambda$CDM cosmological paradigm, in which the particle creation rates and pressures are effectively considered as components of the cosmological fluid energy-momentum tensor. Furthermore, we also briefly present the coupling of curvature to geometry in conformal quadratic Weyl gravity, by assuming a coupling term of the form $L_m\tilde{R}^2$, where $L_m$ is the ordinary matter Lagrangian, and $\tilde{R}$ is the Weyl scalar. The coupling explicitly satisfies the requirement of the conformal invariance of the theory. Expressing $\tilde{R}^2$ with the use of an auxiliary scalar field and of the Weyl scalar, the gravitational action can be linearized in the Ricci scalar, leading in the Riemann space to a conformally invariant $f\left(R,L_m\right)$ type theory, with the matter Lagrangian nonminimally coupled to geometry.

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F. Lobo and T. Harko
Tue, 8 Mar 22

Comments: 20 pages, no figures; based on a plenary talk in the 4th PU International Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology, 22-25 Nov., 2021; accepted for published in IJMPD (proceedings)