On the best lattice quantizers [CL]


A lattice quantizer approximates an arbitrary real-valued source vector with a vector taken from a specific discrete lattice. The quantization error is the difference between the source vector and the lattice vector. In a classic 1996 paper, Zamir and Feder show that the globally optimal lattice quantizer (which minimizes the mean square error) has white quantization noise: for a uniformly distributed source, the covariance of the error is the identity matrix, multiplied by a positive real factor. We generalize the theorem, showing that the same property holds (i) for any locally optimal lattice quantizer and (ii) for an optimal product lattice, if the component lattices are themselves locally optimal. We derive an upper bound on the normalized second moment (NSM) of the optimal lattice in any dimension, by proving that any lower- or upper-triangular modification to the generator matrix of a product lattice reduces the NSM. Using these tools and employing the best currently known lattice quantizers to build product lattices, we construct improved lattice quantizers in dimensions 13 to 15, 17 to 23, and 25 to 48. In some dimensions, these are the first reported lattices with normalized second moments below the Zador upper bound.

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E. Agrell and B. Allen
Thu, 24 Feb 22

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