A frequency resolved atlas of the sky in continuous gravitational waves [CL]


We present the first atlas of the continuous gravitational wave sky, produced using LIGO O3a public data. For each 0.045 Hz frequency band and every point on the sky the atlas provides upper limits, signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) and frequencies where the search measures the maximum SNR. The results presented in the atlas are produced with the Falcon pipeline and cover nearly monochromatic gravitational wave signals in the 500-1000 Hz band, with up to +/-5e-11 Hz/s frequency derivative. Compared to the most sensitive results previously published (also produced with the Falcon pipeline) our upper limits are 50% more constraining. Neutron stars with ellipticity of 1e-8 can be detected up to 150 pc away, while allowing for a large fraction of the stars’ energy to be lost through non-gravitational channels.

Read this paper on arXiv…

V. Dergachev and M. Papa
Thu, 24 Feb 22

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