Eccentricity of the long inspiraling compact binaries sheds light on dark sirens [CL]

We investigate the parameter estimation of gravitational waves emitted by the eccentric compact binaries in the mid-frequency (0.1–10 Hz) band. Based on the configuration of one cluster of DECIGO (B-DECIGO), we simulate five types of typical compact binaries in GWTC-3 with component mass ranging from $\mathcal{O}(1\sim100)~M_{\odot}$. For each type of binaries, we assign discrete eccentricities from 0 to 0.4 at 0.1 Hz in $10^3$ random orientations. The multiple harmonics induced by eccentricity can break the degeneracy between parameters. We find that with eccentricity $e_0=0.4$, these typical binaries can achieve $\mathcal{O}(10^2-10^4)$ improvement for the distance inference in the near face-on orientations, compared to the circular case. More importantly, a nonvanishing eccentricity ($0.01\sim0.4$) can significantly improve the source localization of the typical binaries with component mass greater than $30~M_{\odot}$, most by a factor of $1.5\sim{3.5}$ orders of magnitude. Our result shows the remarkable significance of eccentricity for dark sirens in the mid-band as precise probes of the Universe.

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T. Yang, R. Cai, Z. Cao, et. al.
Fri, 18 Feb 22

Comments: 7 pages, 3 figures, comments welcome