A numerical criterion evaluating the robustness of planetary architectures; applications to the $\upsilon$ Andromedæ system [EPA]


We revisit the problem of the existence of KAM tori in extrasolar planetary systems. Specifically, we consider the $\upsilon$ Andromed{\ae} system, by modelling it with a three-body problem. This preliminary study allows us to introduce a natural way to evaluate the robustness of the planetary orbits, which can be very easily implemented in numerical explorations. We apply our criterion to the problem of the choice of a suitable orbital configuration which exhibits strong stability properties and is compatible with the observational data that are available for the $\upsilon$ Andromed{\ae} system itself.

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U. Locatelli, C. Caracciolo, M. Sansottera, et. al.
Fri, 18 Feb 22

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