The consequences of using a smooth cosmic distance in a lumpy universe: II [CEA]

How do we appropriately fit a model based on an idealised Friedmann-Lema\^itre Robertson-Walker (FLRW) spacetime to observations made from one location in a lumpy Universe? We address this question for the apparent magnitude of Type 1A supernova (SN1A) and the acoustic peaks in the density field. We show that distance in a perturbed universe is given by the FLRW spacetime on average, except in the immediate neighbourhood of an observer. We demonstrate how this distinction impacts the determination of the Hubble rate and the SN1A absolute magnitude.

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O. Umeh
Thu, 17 Feb 22

Comments: 5 pages, 2 figures. This is a summary of the ideas presented in 2201.11089 and in Paper I. Comments welcome