For about half a century the radio pulsar population was observed to spin in the ~0.002–12~s range, with different pulsar classes having spin-period evolution that differs substantially depending on their magnetic fields or past accretion history. The recent detection of several slowly rotating pulsars has re-opened the long-standing question of the exact physics, and observational biases, driving the upper bound of the period range of the pulsar population. In this work, we study the spin-period evolution of pulsars interacting with supernova fallback matter and specifically look at the fallback accretion disk scenario using general assumption for the pulsar spin period and magnetic field at birth, as well as fallback accretion rates. We show that this evolution can differ substantially from the typical dipolar spin-down, and can be very dependent on the ranges of initial parameters at formation, resulting in pulsars that show spin periods longer than their coeval peers. In addition, we study the cases of two recently discovered periodic radio sources: the pulsar MTP0013 (P ~ 75.9s) and the radio transient GLEAM-X J162759.5-523504.3 (P ~ 1091s). Long-period isolated pulsars might be more common than expected, being the natural result of supernova fallback accretion, and necessarily having a strong magnetic field.
M. Ronchi, N. Rea, V. Graber, et. al.
Fri, 28 Jan 22
Comments: 13 pages, 6 figures; submitted to ApJ
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