Freeze-in Leptogenesis via Dark-Matter Oscillations [CL]

We study the cosmology and phenomenology of freeze-in baryogenesis via dark-matter oscillations, taking the dark matter to couple to Standard Model leptons. We investigate viable models both with and without a $Z_2$ symmetry under which all new fields are charged. Lepton flavor effects are important for leptogenesis in these models, and we identify scenarios in which the baryon asymmetry is parametrically distinct from and enhanced relative to leptogenesis from sterile neutrino oscillations. The models we study predict the existence of new, electroweak-charged fields, and can be tested by a combination of collider searches, structure-formation studies, X-ray observations, and terrestrial low-energy tests.

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J. Berman, B. Shuve and D. Tucker-Smith
Fri, 28 Jan 22

Comments: 24 pages + appendices, 21 figures