Cosmological perturbations: non-cold relics without the Boltzmann hierarchy [CEA]

We present a formulation of cosmological perturbation theory where the Boltzmann hierarchies that evolve the neutrino phase-space distributions are replaced by integrals that can be evaluated easily with fast Fourier transforms. The simultaneous evaluation of these integrals combined with the differential equations for the rest of the system (dark matter, photons, baryons) are then solved with an iterative scheme that converges quickly. The formulation is particularly powerful for massive neutrinos, where the effective phase space is three-dimensional rather than two-dimensional, and even moreso for three different neutrino mass eigenstates. Therefore, it has the potential to significantly speed up the computation times of cosmological-perturbation calculations. This approach should also be applicable to models with other non-cold collisionless relics.

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L. Ji, M. Kamionkowski and J. Bernal
Fri, 28 Jan 22

Comments: 5 pages, 3 figures