The Time Domain Spectroscopic Survey: Changing-Look Quasar Candidates from Multi-Epoch Spectroscopy in SDSS-IV [GA]

Active galactic nuclei (AGN) can vary significantly in their rest-frame optical/UV emission, and with strong associated changes in broad line emission, on much shorter timescales than predicted by standard models of accretion disks around supermassive black holes. Most such “changing-look” AGN – and at higher luminosities, quasars (CLQs) have been found via spectroscopic follow-up of known quasars showing strong photometric variability. The Time Domain Spectroscopic Survey of SDSS-IV has instead obtained repeat spectroscopy of large numbers of previously-known quasars, with spectral epochs separated by months to decades. Our visual examination of these repeat spectra for strong broad line variability yielded 61 newly-discovered CLQ candidates. We quantitatively compare spectral epochs to measure changes in continuum and Hbeta broad line emission. Defining a CLQ by a S/N threshold of at least 3sigma on variability of broad Hbeta emission, we find 19 CLQs, of which 15 are newly-recognized. Since the parent sample includes only broad line quasars, our study tends to find objects that later dim, i.e., turn-off CLQs. However, we nevertheless find 4 turn-on CLQs. We study the response of both Hbeta and Mg II emission lines to continuum changes. The Eddington ratios of CLQs is low, and/or their Hbeta broad line width is large relative to the overall quasar population. Repeat quasar spectroscopy in the upcoming SDSS-V Black Hole Mapper program promises to reveal significant numbers of CLQs, helping to further our understanding of the frequency and duty-cycle of such strong variability, and constrain the physics and dynamics of the phenomenon.

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P. Green, L. Pulgarin-Duque, S. Anderson, et. al.
Tue, 25 Jan 22

Comments: 32 pages, 13 figures, submitted to ApJ 13-Jan-2022