In this article, we explore the cooling of isolated quark stars. These objects are structured of a homogeneous quark matter core and crusted by matter. To do this, we adopt two kinds of crust: (i) a crust made of purely nuclear matter following the Baym-Pethick-Sutherland (BPS) equation of state (EoS) and (ii) a crust made of nuggets of strange quark matter (strangelets). Both models have the same quark matter core described by the MIT bag model EoS. Our main purpose is to quantify the effects of a strangelet crust on the cooling and relaxation times of these strange stars. We also perform a thorough study of the thermal relaxation of quark stars, in which we have found that objects with a strangelet crust have a significantly different thermal relaxation time. Our study also includes the possible effects of color superconductivity in the quark core.
J. Zapata, R. Negreiros, T. Sales, et. al.
Wed, 19 Jan 22
Comments: 7 pages, 8 figures
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