An alternative explanation of the orbital expansion of Titan and other bodies in the Solar system [EPA]

Recently it was found from Cassini data that the mean recession speed of Titan from Saturn is $v=11.3\pm 2.0$ cm/yr which corresponds to a tidal quality factor of Saturn $Q\cong 100$ while the standard estimate yields $Q\ge 6\cdot 10^4$. It was assumed that such a large speed $v$ is due to a resonance locking mechanism of five inner mid-sized moons of Saturn. In this paper, we show that an essential part of $v$ may come from a local Hubble expansion, where the Hubble-Lema\^{\i}tre constant $H_0$ recalculated to the Saturn-Titan distance $D$ is 8.15 cm/(yr $D$). Our hypothesis is based on many other observations showing a slight expansion of the Solar system and also of our Galaxy at a rate comparable with $H_0$. We demonstrate that the large disproportion in estimating the $Q$ factor can be just caused by the local expansion effect.

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M. Křížek, V. Gueorguiev and A. Maeder
Mon, 17 Jan 22

Comments: 20 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables, to appear in the journal Gravitation and Cosmology Vol. 28, Issue 2 (2022)