Production Efficiencies of Sound Waves in the Intracluster Medium Driven by AGN Jets [HEAP]

Feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN) is believed to be the most promising solution to the cooling flow problem in cool-core clusters, though how exactly the jet energy is transformed into heat is a subject of debate. Dissipation of sound waves is considered as one of the possible heating mechanisms; however, its relative contribution to heating remains unclear. To estimate the energy budget for heating, we perform 3D hydrodynamic simulations of AGN jet injections in a Perseus-like cluster and quantify the amount of energy stored in the forms of weak shocks and waves. We find that, for a single jet injection with typical parameters in cool-core clusters, $\sim9\%$ of the total jet energy is stored in compressional waves (including both shocks and waves). However, due to the destructive effects among randomly phased waves as well as the dissipation of shock energies, in our simulations including self-regulated AGN feedback, no more than $3\%$ of the total injected energy goes into compressional waves. We further separate the energy contribution from shocks and waves and find that, for a single outburst, the shocks can only contribute to $\sim20-30\%$ of the total compressional energy in the inner radii, and they dissipate very quickly as they travel outward. However, because of the repeated generation of shocks by multiple AGN outbursts, in the self-regulated case shocks completely dominate over sound waves in the inner region and can still provide $\sim40-50\%$ of the total compressional energy even at outer radii. Our results suggest that the production of sound waves is not as efficient as what was found in previous single-outburst simulations, and thus sound wave dissipation may be a subdominant source of heating in cool-core clusters.

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S. Wang and H. Yang
Mon, 17 Jan 22

Comments: 10 pages, 8 figures, comments welcome