Very large SiPM arrays with aggregated output [CL]

In this work we will document the design and the performances of a SiPM-based photodetector with a surface area of 100 cm$^2$ conceived to operate as a replacement for PMTs. The signals from 94 SiPMs are summed up to produce an aggregated output that exhibits in liquid nitrogen a dark count rate (DCR) lower than 100 cps over the entire surface, a signal to noise ratio better than 13, and a timing resolution better than 5.5 ns. The module feeds about 360 mW at 5 V with a dynamic range in excess of 500 photo-electrons on a 100 $\Omega$ differential line. The unit is compatible with operations at room temperature, with a DCR increased by about 6 orders of magnitude.

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A. Razeto, V. Camillo, M. Carlini, et. al.
Thu, 13 Jan 22

Comments: 11 pages, 15 figures