Thermodynamically consistent entropic inflation including subdominant contribution [CL]

Entropic-force cosmology provides, in contrast with dark energy descriptions, a concrete physical understanding of the accelerated expansion of the universe. The acceleration appears to be a consequence of the entropy associated with the information storage in the universe. We study the effects of including a subdominant power-law term within a thermodynamically admissible entropic-force model. The temperature of the universe horizon is obtained by requiring that the Legendre structure of thermodynamics is preserved. The correction term is introduced to explain different periods of acceleration and deceleration in the late-time universe. We analyze the various types of behaviors, and we satisfactorily compare them with the observational red-shift dependencies of the Hubble parameter $H$ and of the luminosity distance data available from supernovae.

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D. Zamora and C. Tsallis
Tue, 11 Jan 22

Comments: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2201.01835