A $p$-Adic Matter in a Closed Universe [CL]


In this paper, we introduce a new type of matter that has origin in $p$-adic strings, i.e., strings with a $p$-adic worldsheet. We investigate some properties of this $p$-adic matter, in particular its cosmological aspects. We start with crossing symmetric scattering amplitudes for $p$-adic open strings and related effective nonlocal and nonlinear Lagrangian which describes tachyon dynamics at the tree level. Then, we make a slight modification of this Lagrangian and obtain a new Lagrangian for non-tachyonic scalar field. {Using this new Lagrangian in the weak field approximation as a matter in Einstein gravity with the cosmological constant, one obtains an exponentially expanding FLRW closed universe.} At the end, we discuss the obtained results, i.e., computed mass of the scalar $p$-adic particle, estimated radius of related closed universe and noted $p$-adic matter as a possible candidate for dark matter.

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B. Dragovich
Mon, 10 Jan 22

Comments: 16 pages, 2 figures