SiPM cross-talk in liquid argon detectors [CL]

SiPM-based readout is becoming the standard for light detection in particle detectors given their superior resolution and simplicity of use respect to vacuum tube photo-multipliers. However, the presence of detection noises such as the dark rate, the cross-talk and after-pulsing may impact significantly the performance. In this work, we document the development of highly reflective single-phase argon chambers capable of displaying light yields up to 32 photo-electrons per keV, out of which only about 12 are primary photo-electrons generated by the argon scintillation and the rest is accounted for by optical cross-talk. Furthermore, the presence of compound processes yields a generalized Fano factor that reaches a value of 9 at higher over-voltages. As a bonus, we have the complete parametrization of the optical cross-talk for the FBK NUV-HD-Cryo SiPMs at 87 K.

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M. Boulay, V. Camillo, N. Canci, et. al.
Thu, 6 Jan 22

Comments: 8 pages, 8 figures