Effective parameterization of absorption by gaseous species and unknown UV absorber in 125-400 nm region of Venus atmosphere [EPA]


We present an effective parameterization of molecular absorption of solar radiation in Venus atmosphere. It is addressed to general circulation modeling to accelerate radiative transfer calculations in spectral region 125 — 400 nm (25000 — 80000 cm -1 ). In F-UV and M-UV regions strong absorption of CO 2 enables to parameterize gaseous absorption with only two effective cross-sections. In N-UV region absorption of SO 2 and unknown UV absorber are parameterized with five effective cross-sections. Also for treatment of Rayleigh scattering and optical properties of Venus’ clouds seven effective spectral points are recommended. Parameterizations were validated by the original reference line-by-line Monte-Carlo radiative transfer model. The outcome of the validation shows the discrepancy in fluxes less than 3%. Thus, it takes only sevenfold solution of radiative transfer equations to appropriately describe solar fluxes and heating rates in the whole ultraviolet region.

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B. Fomin and M. Razumovskiy
Thu, 30 Dec 21

Comments: 16 pages, 3 figures