Metallicity in Quasar Broad Line Regions at Redshift $\sim$ 6 [GA]

Broad line regions (BLRs) in high-redshift quasars provide crucial information of chemical enrichment in the early universe. Here we present a study of BLR metallicities in 33 quasars at redshift $5.7<z<6.4$. Using the near-IR spectra of the quasars obtained from the Gemini telescope, we measure their rest-frame UV emission line flux and calculate flux ratios. We then estimate BLR metallicities with empirical calibrations based on photoionization models. The inferred median metallicity of our sample is a few times the solar value, indicating that the BLR gas had been highly metal-enriched at $z\sim6$. We compare our sample with a low-redshift quasar sample with similar luminosities and find no evidence of redshift evolution in quasar BLR metallicities. This is consistent with previous studies. The Fe II$/$Mg II flux ratio, a proxy for the Fe$/\alpha$ element abundance ratio, shows no redshift evolution as well, further supporting rapid nuclear star formation at $z\sim6$. We also find that the black hole mass-BLR metallicity relation at $z\sim6$ is consistent with the relation measured at $2<z<5$, suggesting that our results are not biased by a selection effect due to this relation.

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S. Wang, L. Jiang, Y. Shen, et. al.
Thu, 16 Dec 21

Comments: ApJ, in press