The 90 and 150 GHz universal focal-plane modules for the Simons Observatory [IMA]

The Simons Observatory (SO) is a suite of telescopes located in the Atacama Desert in Chile that will make sensitive measurements of the cosmic microwave background. There are a host of cosmological and astrophysical questions that SO is forecasted to address. The universal focal-plane modules (UFMs) populate the four SO telescope receiver focal planes. There are three varieties of UFMs, each of which contains transition-edge-sensor bolometers observing in two spectral bands between 30 and 290~GHz. We describe the novel mid-frequency UFMs, which target two of the six spectral bands at 90 and 150~GHz and are central to the cosmological goals of SO.

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H. McCarrick, K. Arnold, Z. Atkins, et. al.
Fri, 3 Dec 21

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