We explore the theoretical possibility that dark energy density is derived from massless scalar bosons in vacuum and present a physical model for dark energy. By assuming massless scalar bosons fall into the horizon boundary of the cosmos with the expansion of the universe, we can deduce the uncertainty in the relative position of scalar bosons based on the quantum fluctuation of space-time and the assumption that scalar bosons satisfy P-symmetry under the parity transformation ${P}\varphi ({r}) = – \varphi ({r})$, which can be used to estimate scalar bosons and dark energy density. Furthermore, we attempt to explain the origin of negative pressure from the increasing entropy density of the Boltzmann system and derive the equation for the state parameter, which is consistent with the specific equations of state for dark energy. Finally, we employ the SNIa Pantheon sample and Planck 2018 CMB angular power spectra to constrain the models and orovide statistical results for the cosmology parameters.
L. Huang, X. Yang and X. Liu
Wed, 1 Dec 21
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