Measuring microlensing parallax via simultaneous observations from Chinese Space Station Telescope and Roman Telescope [EPA]

Simultaneous observations from two spatially well-separated telescopes can lead to the measurements of the microlensing parallax parameter, an important quantity toward the determinations of the lens mass. The separation between Earth and Sun-Earth L2 point, $\sim0.01$ AU, is ideal for parallax measurements of short and ultra-short ($\sim$1\,hr to 10\,days) microlensing events, which are candidates of free-floating planet (FFP) events. In this work, we study the potential of doing so in the context of two proposed space-based missions, the Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST) in a Leo orbit and the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (\emph{Roman}) at L2. We show that the joint observations of the two can directly measure the microlensing parallax of nearly all FFP events with timescales $t_{\rm E}\lesssim$ 10\,days as well as planetary (and stellar binary) events that show caustic crossing features. The potential of using CSST alone in measuring microlensing parallax is also discussed.

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S. Yan and W. Zhu
Tue, 23 Nov 21

Comments: accepted to Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (RAA)