Toward a direct measurement of the cosmic acceleration: the first attempt with FAST [CEA]

Damped Lyman-{\alpha} Absorber(DLA) of HI 21cm system is an ideal probe to directly measure cosmic acceleration in real-time cosmology via Sandage-Loeb(SL) test. During short observations toward two DLAs in the commissioning progress of FAST, we manage to exhibit an HI 21cm absorption feature from PKS1413+135 spectrum with our highest resolution up to 100Hz, validating the frequency consistency under different resolutions and bandwidths. We make a Gaussian fitting to extract the spectral features, employ relativistic receding velocity in high-precision velocity measurement, introduce two indicators to describe the fitted velocity uncertainty, and ultimately give a redshift constraint of z = 0.24671595 {\pm} 0.00000015 in accord with most literature. But our redshift error is still three magnitudes larger than theoretical cosmic acceleration over a decade. Though our first attempt has some flaws in time recording and diode settings, it still proves the correctness of our data process. For a higher-resolution radio observation, we propose five main challenges: (1) an accurate astrometric method to optimize Doppler correction; (2) a precise timing standard in data recording; (3) a statistical sample set of DLAs with prominent absorptions; (4) a widely accepted standard of velocity uncertainty; (5) an improved baseline fitting to detect faint macro changes from sharp noisy interference. With close corporation among the community, our quest for cosmic acceleration would advance firmly in the thorny path.

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C. Lu, K. Jiao, T. Zhang, et. al.
Mon, 22 Nov 21

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