The unusually weak and exceptionally steep radio relic in Abell 2108 [GA]

Mergers between galaxy clusters often drive shocks into the intra cluster medium (ICM), the effects of which are sometimes visible via temperature and density jumps in the X-ray, and via radio emission from relativistic particles energized by the shock’s passage. Abell2108 was selected as a likely merger system through comparing the X-ray luminosity to the Planck Sunyaev-Zeldovich signal, where this cluster appeared highly X-ray underluminous. Follow up observations confirmed it to be a merging low mass cluster featuring two distinct subclusters, both with a highly disturbed X-ray morphology. Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) data covering 120-750MHz show an extended radio feature resembling a radio relic, near the location of a temperature discontinuity in the X-rays. We measure a Mach number from the X-ray temperature jump. Several characteristics of radio relics are found in Abell2108, making this cluster one of the few low mass mergers likely hosting a radio relic. The radio spectrum is exceptionally steep, and the radio power is very weak (P1.4GHz=1E22W/Hz). To account for the shock/relic offset, we propose a scenario in which the shock created the relic by re-accelerating a cloud of pre-existing relativistic electrons and then moved away, leaving behind a fading relic. The electron aging timescale derived from the high-frequency steepening in the relic spectrum is consistent with the shock travel time to the observed X-ray discontinuity. However, the lower flux in GMRT band 4 data causing the steepening could be due to instrumental limitations, and deeper radio data are needed to constrain the spectral slope of the relic at high frequencies.

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G. Schellenberger, S. Giacintucci, L. Lovisari, et. al.
Thu, 18 Nov 21

Comments: accepted for publication in ApJ; 15 pages, 6 figures