XXL-HSC: An updated catalogue of high-redshift ($z\geqslant3.5$) X-ray AGN in the XMM-XXL northern field. Constraints on the bright end of the soft logN-logS [GA]


X-rays offer a reliable method to identify Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). However, in the high-redshift Universe X-ray AGN are poorly sampled due to their relatively low space density and the small areas covered by X-ray surveys. In addition to wide-area X-ray surveys, it is important to have deep optical data in order to locate the optical counterparts and determine their redshifts. In this work, we build a high-redshift ($z\geqslant3.5$) X-ray selected AGN sample in the XMM-XXL northern field using the most updated [0.5-2 keV] catalogue along with a plethora of new spectroscopic and multi-wavelength catalogues, including the deep optical Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) data reaching magnitude limits i$\sim$26 mag. We select all the spectroscopically confirmed AGN and complement this sample with high-redshift candidates that are HSC g- and r-band dropouts. To confirm the dropouts, we derive their photometric redshifts using spectral energy distribution techniques. We end up with a sample of 54 high-z sources (28 with spec-z), the largest in this field so far (almost three times larger than in previous studies), and we estimate the possible contamination and completeness. We calculate the number counts (logN-logS) in different redshift bins and compare our results with previous studies and models. We provide the strongest high-redshift AGN constraints yet at bright fluxes ($\rm f_{0.5-2~keV} > 10^{-15} erg~s^{-1}~cm^{-2}$). The samples of $z\geqslant3.5$, $z\geqslant4$ and $z\geqslant5$ are in agreement with an exponential decline model similar to that witnessed at optical wavelengths. Our work emphasizes the importance of using wide area X-ray surveys with deep optical data to uncover high redshift AGN.

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E. Pouliasis, I. Georgantopoulos, A. Ruiz, et. al.
Tue, 9 Nov 21

Comments: Accepted for publication in A&A. 16 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables