Migration of Jupiter mass planets in discs with laminar accretion flows [EPA]


Migration of giant planets in discs with low viscosity has been studied recently. The proportionality between migration speed and the disc’s viscosity is broken by the presence of vortices that appear at the edges of the planet-induced gap. Our goal is to investigate vortex-driven migration in low-viscosity discs in the presence of radial advection of gas, as expected from angular momentum removal by magnetised disc winds. We performed three dimensional simulations using the grid-based code FARGOCA. We mimicked the effects of a disc wind by applying a synthetic torque on a surface layer of the disc characterised by a prescribed column density Sigma_A so that it results in a disc accretion rate of 10^-8 Solar masses per year. Discs with this structure are called ‘layered’ and the layer where the torque is applied is denoted as ‘active’. We also consider the case of accretion focussed near the disc midplane to mimic transport properties induced by a large Hall effect or by weak Ohmic diffusion. We observe two migration phases: in the first phase, the migration of the planet is driven by the vortex and is directed inwards. This phase ends when the vortex disappear. Migration depends on the ability of the torque from the planet to block the accretion flow. When the flow is fast and unimpeded (small Sigma_A) migration is very slow. When the accretion flow is completely blocked, migration is faster and the speed is controlled by the rate at which the accretion flow refills the gap behind the migrating planet. The migration speed of a giant planet in a layered protoplanetary disc depends on the thickness of the accreting layer. The lack of large-scale migration apparently experienced by the majority of giant exoplanets can be explained if the accreting layer is sufficiently thin to allow unimpeded accretion through the disc.

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E. Lega, A. Morbidelli, R. Nelson, et. al.
Tue, 9 Nov 21

Comments: 14 pages, 11 figures