Amplified J-factors in the Galactic Center for velocity-dependent darkmatter annihilation in FIRE simulations [GA]

We use FIRE-2 zoom cosmological simulations of Milky Way size galaxy halos to calculate astrophysical J-factors for dark matter annihilation and indirect detection studies. In addition to velocity-independent (s-wave) annihilation cross sections $\sigma_v$, we also calculate effective J-factors for velocity-dependent models, where the annihilation cross section is either either p-wave ($\propto v^2/c^2$) or d-wave ($\propto v^4/c^4$). We use 12 pairs of simulations, each run with dark-matter-only (DMO) physics and FIRE-2 physics. We observe FIRE runs produce central dark matter velocity dispersions that are systematically larger than in DMO runs by factors of $\sim 2.5-4$. They also have a larger range of central ($\sim 400$ pc) dark matter densities than the DMO runs ($\rho_{\rm FIRE}/\rho_{\rm DMO} \simeq 0.5 – 3$) owing to the competing effects of baryonic contraction and feedback. At 3 degrees from the Galactic Center, FIRE J-factors are $5-50$ (p-wave) and $15-500$ (d-wave) times higher than in the DMO runs. The change in s-wave signal at 3 degrees is more modest and can be higher or lower ($\sim 0.3-6$), though the shape of the emission profile is flatter (less peaked towards the Galactic Center) and more circular on the sky in FIRE runs. Our results for s-wave are broadly consistent with the range of assumptions in most indirect detection studies. We observe p-wave J-factors that are significantly enhanced compared to most past estimates. We find that thermal models with p-wave annihilation may be within range of detection in the near future.

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D. McKeown, J. Bullock, F. Mercado, et. al.
Mon, 8 Nov 21

Comments: 15 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRAS