Comment on "A snapshot of the oldest AGN feedback phases" [HEAP]

We dispute a very recent claim, which is based on new LOFAR radio observations, that mixing does not heat the intragroup medium of the galaxy group Nest200047. We argue to the contrary, namely, that the main heating process is mixing, by showing that the radio morphology of filaments in this galaxy group was qualitatively reproduced by a past three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulation that also showed that the main heating process is by mixing of hot gas from the jet-inflated bubbles with the intracluster (or intragroup) medium.

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N. Soker and S. Hillel
Fri, 22 Oct 21

Comments: 4 pages, 1 figure. Comment on “A snapshot of the oldest AGN feedback phases” by Brienza, M., et al. (2021), arXiv:2110.09189