HI absorption at z~0.7 against the lobe of the powerful radio galaxy PKS 0409-75 [GA]


We present results from a search for the HI 21-cm line in absorption towards 16 bright radio sources with the 6-antenna commissioning array of the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP). Our targets were selected from the 2-Jy sample, a flux-limited survey of the southern radio sky with extensive multi-wavelength follow-up. Two sources were detected in HI absorption including a new detection towards the bright FRII radio galaxy PKS 0409-75 at a redshift of z=0.674. The HI absorption line is blueshifted by ~3300 km/s compared to the optical redshift of the host galaxy of PKS 0409-75 at z=0.693. Deep optical imaging and spectroscopic follow-up with the GMOS instrument on the Gemini-South telescope reveal that the HI absorption is associated with a galaxy in front of the southern radio lobe with a stellar mass of $3.2 – 6.8 \times 10^{11}M_\odot$, a star-formation rate of $\sim 1.24 M_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$ and an estimated HI column density of $2.16\times10^{21}$ cm$^{-2}$, assuming a spin temperature of $T_{\rm spin}=500$ K and source covering factor of $C_{\rm f}=0.3$. Using polarisation measurements of PKS 0409-75 from the literature we estimate the magnetic field of the absorbing galaxy to be ~14.5$\mu$G, consistent with field strengths observed in nearby spiral galaxies, but larger than expected for an elliptical galaxy. Results from this pilot study can inform future surveys as new wide-field telescopes allow us to search for 21-cm HI absorption towards all bright radio sources as opposed to smaller targeted samples.

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E. Mahony, J. Allison, E. Sadler, et. al.
Wed, 20 Oct 21

Comments: 14 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS