Coalescence of black hole–neutron star binaries [HEAP]

We review the current status of general relativistic studies for coalescences of black hole–neutron star binaries. First, high-precision computations of black hole–neutron star binaries in quasiequilibrium circular orbits are summarized, focusing on the quasiequilibrium sequences and the mass-shedding limit. Next, the current status of numerical-relativity simulations for the merger of black hole–neutron star binaries is described. We summarize our understanding for the merger process, tidal disruption and its criterion, properties of the merger remnant and ejected material, gravitational waveforms, and gravitational-wave spectra. We also discuss expected electromagnetic counterparts to black hole–neutron star coalescences.

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K. Kyutoku, M. Shibata and K. Taniguchi
Thu, 14 Oct 21

Comments: 178 pages, 54 figures, Invited review article for Living Reviews in Relativity, accepted version