Tailed Radio Galaxies from the TIFR GMRT Sky Survey [GA]


We present a list of candidate tailed radio galaxies using the TIFR GMRT Sky Survey Alternative Data Release 1 (TGSS ADR1) at 150 MHz. We have visually examined 5336 image fields and found 268 candidates for the tailed galaxy. Tailed radio galaxies are classified as Wide Angle Tailed (WAT) galaxies and Narrow-Angle Tailed (NAT) galaxies, based on the angle between the two jets of the galaxy. We found a sample of tailed radio galaxies which includes 189 WAT' and 79NAT’ type sources. These newly identified tailed sources are significant inclusion to the list of known tailed radio galaxies. The source morphology, luminosity feature of the different candidate galaxies and their optical identifications are presented in the paper. Other radio properties and general features of the sources are also discussed.

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N. Bhukta, S. Mondal and S. Pal
Wed, 13 Oct 21

Comments: Submitted in MNRAS, Comments are welcome