Measurement of performance of the NectarCAM photodetectors [IMA]

NectarCAM is a camera for the medium-sized telescopes of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), which covers the energy range of 100 GeV to 30 TeV. The camera is equipped with 265 focal plane modules (FPMs). Each FPM comprises 7 pixels, each consisting of a photo-multiplier tube, a preamplifier, an independently controlled power supply, and a common control system. We developed a dedicated test bench to validate and qualify the industrial FPM production and to measure the performance of each FPM in a dark room before its integration in the camera. We report the measured performance of 61 FPM prototypes obtained with our experimental setup. We demonstrate that the gains of the photo multiplier tubes are stable and that pulse widths, transit time spreads, afterpulse rates and charge resolutions are within the specifications for NectarCAM.

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A. Tsiahina, P. Jean, J. Olive, et. al.
Wed, 13 Oct 21

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