High-quality strong lens candidates in the final Kilo Degree survey footprint [GA]


We present 97 new high-quality strong lensing candidates found in the final $\sim 350\,\rm deg^2$, that completed the full $\sim 1350\,\rm deg^2$ area of the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS). Together with our previous findings, the final list of high-quality candidates from KiDS sums up to 268 systems. The new sample is assembled using a new Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) classifier applied to $r$-band (best seeing) and $g,~r,~i$ color-composited images separately. This optimizes the complementarity of the morphology and color information on the identification of strong lensing candidates. We apply the new classifiers to a sample of luminous red galaxies (LRGs) and a sample of bright galaxies (BGs) and select candidates that received a high probability to be a lens from the CNN ($P_{\rm CNN}$). In particular, setting $P_{\rm CNN}>0.8$ for the LRGs, the $1$-band CNN predicts 1213 candidates, while the $3$-band classifier yields 1299 candidates, with only $\sim$30\% overlap. For the BGs, in order to minimize the false positives, we adopt a more conservative threshold, $P_{\rm CNN} >0.9$, for both CNN classifiers. This results in 3740 newly selected objects. The candidates from the two samples are visually inspected by 7 co-authors to finally select 97 “high-quality” lens candidates which received mean scores larger than 6 (on a scale from 0 to 10). We finally discuss the effect of the seeing on the accuracy of CNN classification and possible avenues to increase the efficiency of multi-band classifiers, in preparation of next-generation surveys from ground and space.

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R. Li, N. Napolitano, C. Spiniello, et. al.
Wed, 6 Oct 21

Comments: Submitted to APJ