Deep Chandra observations of merging galaxy cluster ZwCl 2341+0000 [CEA]

Knowledge of X-ray shock and radio relic connection in merging galaxy clusters has been greatly extended in terms of both observation and theory over the last decade. ZwCl 2341+0000 is a double-relic merging galaxy cluster; previous studies have shown that half of the S relic is associated with an X-ray surface brightness discontinuity, while the other half not. The discontinuity was believed to be a shock front. Therefore, it is a mysterious case of an only partial shock-relic connection. By using the 206.5 ks deep Chandra observations, we aim to investigate the nature of the S discontinuity. Meanwhile, we aim to explore new morphological and thermodynamical features. In addition, we utilize the GMRT and JVLA images to compute radio spectral index (SI) maps. In the deep observations, the previously reported S surface brightness discontinuity is better described as a sharp change in slope or as a kink, which is likely contributed by the disrupted core of the S subcluster. The radio SI maps show spectral flattening at the SE edge of the S relic, suggesting that the location of the shock front is 640 kpc away from the kink. We update the radio shock Mach number to be $2.2\pm0.1$ and $2.4\pm0.4$ for the S and N radio relics, respectively, based on the injection SI. We also put a 3 sigma lower limit on the X-ray Mach number of the S shock to be >1.6. Meanwhile, the deep observations reveal that the N subcluster is in a perfect cone shape, with a ~400 kpc linear cold front on each side. This type of conic subcluster has been predicted by simulations but is observed here for the first time. It represents a transition stage between a blunt-body cold front and a slingshot cold front. Strikingly, we found a 400 kpc long gas trail attached to the apex of the cone, which could be due to the gas stripping. In addition, an over-pressured hot region is found in the SW flank of the cluster.

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X. Zhang, A. Simionescu, C. Stuardi, et. al.
Wed, 6 Oct 21

Comments: 16 pages, 10 figures. Accepted by A&A. The abstract on arXiv has been shorten to meet the word limit