Bursting Bubbles: Clustered SNe Feedback in Local and High-redshift Galaxies [GA]


We compare an analytic model for the evolution of supernova-driven superbubbles with observations of local and high-redshift galaxies, and the properties of HI shells in local star-forming galaxies. Our model correctly predicts the presence of superwinds in local star-forming galaxies (e.g., NGC 253) and the ubiquity of outflows near $z \sim 2$. We find that high-redshift galaxies may ‘capture’ 20-50% of their feedback momentum in the dense ISM (with the remainder escaping into the nearby CGM), whereas local galaxies may contain $\lesssim$10% of their feedback momentum from the central starburst. Using azimuthally averaged galaxy properties, we predict that most superbubbles stall and fragment within the ISM, and that this occurs at, or near, the gas scale height. We find good agreement when comparing our predicted bubble radii and velocities with observed HI bubbles/holes and find that most will fragment very near the gas scale height or are able to break-out and drive local galactic fountains. Additionally, we demonstrate that models with constant star cluster formation efficiency per Toomre mass are inconsistent with the occurrence of outflows from high-$z$ starbursts and local circumnuclear regions.

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M. Orr, D. Fielding, C. Hayward, et. al.
Fri, 1 Oct 21

Comments: 9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to ApJL