Universal relations between the quasinormal modes of neutron star and tidal deformability [CL]


Universal relations independently of the equation of state (EOS) for neutron star matter are valuable, if they exist, for extracting the neutron star properties, which generally depend on the EOS. In this study, we newly derive the universal relations predicting the gravitational wave frequencies for the fundamental ($f$), the 1st pressure ($p_1$), and the 1st spacetime ($w_1$) modes and the damping rate for the $f$- and $w_1$-modes as a function of the dimensionless tidal deformability. In particular, with the universal relations for the $f$-modes one can predict the frequencies and damping rate with less than $1\%$ accuracy for canonical neutron stars.

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H. Sotani and B. Kumar
Mon, 20 Sep 21

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