Small-scale double quasars discovered in the DECam Legacy Survey [GA]

Dual quasars are precursors of binary supermassive black holes, which are important objects for gravitational wave study, galaxy evolution, and cosmology. I report four double quasars, one of which is newly discovered, with separations of 1$-$2 arcsec selected from the DECam Legacy Survey. The Gemini optical spectra confirm that both sources are quasars at the same redshifts. J0118$-$0104 and J0932+0722 are classified as dual quasars, whereas J0037+2058 could be either a dual quasar or a lensed quasar. I estimate the physical properties such as black hole masses and Eddington ratios for the four double quasars. The newly discovered system supplements the incomplete sample of dual quasars at $\sim$10 kpc at $z>0.5$. The results demonstrate that new high-quality imaging surveys with existing spectroscopic data could reveal additional small-scale double quasars. Combined with the dual quasars from the literature, I find a power-law index of 1.45$\pm$0.48 for the distribution of dual quasars as a function of separation between 5$-$20 kpc, steeper than that expected from dynamical friction, though it is likely due to the incomplete sample at $<$15 kpc. I also discuss the implications for future searches with new imaging surveys such as the Dark Energy Survey and the Legacy Survey of Space and Time.

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Y. Chen
Thu, 16 Sep 21

Comments: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted to MNRAS, comments are welcome