New Constraints on Anisotropic Expansion from Supernovae Type Ia [CEA]

We re-examine the contentious question of constraints on anisotropic expansion from Type Ia supernovae (SNIa) in the light of a novel determination of peculiar velocities, which are crucial to test isotropy with supernovae out to distances $\lesssim 200/h$ Mpc. We re-analyze the Joint Light-Curve Analysis (JLA) Supernovae (SNe) data, improving on previous treatments of peculiar velocity corrections and their uncertainties (both statistical and systematic) by adopting state-of-the-art flow models constrained independently via the 2M$++$ galaxy redshift compilation. We also introduce a novel procedure to account for colour-based selection effects, and adjust the redshift of low-$z$ SNe self-consistently in the light of our improved peculiar velocity model.
We adopt the Bayesian hierarchical model \texttt{BAHAMAS} to constrain a dipole in the distance modulus in the context of the $\Lambda$CDM model and the deceleration parameter in a phenomenological Cosmographic expansion. We do not find any evidence for anisotropic expansion, and place a tight upper bound on the amplitude of a dipole, $|D_\mu| < 5.93 \times 10^{-4}$ (95\% credible interval) in a $\Lambda$CDM setting, and $|D_{q_0}| < 6.29 \times 10^{-2}$ in the Cosmographic expansion approach. Using Bayesian model comparison, we obtain posterior odds in excess of 900:1 (640:1) against a constant-in-redshift dipole for $\Lambda$CDM (the Cosmographic expansion). In the isotropic case, an accelerating universe is favoured with odds of $\sim 1100:1$ with respect to a decelerating one.

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W. Rahman, R. Trotta, S. Boruah, et. al.
Tue, 31 Aug 21

Comments: 24 Pages, 14 figures, submitted to MNRAS