Non-locality of the Turbulent Electromotive Force [GA]

The generation of large-scale magnetic fields ($\overline{\mathbf{B}}$) in astrophysical systems is driven by the mean turbulent electromotive force. This can depend non-locally on $\overline{\mathbf{B}}$ through a convolution kernel $K_{ij}$. In a new approach to find $K_{ij}$, we directly fit the data from a galactic dynamo simulation using singular value decomposition. We calculate the usual turbulent transport coefficients as moments of $K_{ij}$, show the importance of including non-locality over eddy length scales to fully capture their amplitudes and that their higher order corrections are small.

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A. Bendre and K. Subramanian
Fri, 23 Jul 21

Comments: 8 pages, 7 figures