Gamma-radiation sky maps from compact binaries [HEAP]

Using numerical simulations, we predict sky maps and light curves of gamma-ray emission from neutron stars in compact binaries, and in isolation. We briefly review some gamma-ray emission models, and reproduce sky maps from a standard isolated pulsar in the Separatrix Layer model. We then simulate isolated pulsars with several variations of a dipole magnetic field, including superpositions, and predict their gamma-ray emission. These simulations provide new heuristics on what can and cannot be inferred about the magnetic field configuration of pulsars from high-energy observations. We find that typical double-peak light curves can be produced by pulsars with significant multipole structure beyond a single dipole. We offer a simple approximation that is useful for rapid explorations of binary magnetic field structure. Finally, we predict the gamma-ray emission pattern from a compact black hole-neutron star binary moments before merger by applying the Separatrix Layer model to data simulated in full general relativity; we find that face-on observers receive little emission, equatorial observers see one broad peak, and more generic observers typically see two peaks.

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N. Ortiz, F. Carrasco, S. Green, et. al.
Fri, 16 Jul 21

Comments: 29 pages, 19 figures