A Fast and Precise Analytic Method of Calculating Galaxy Two-point Correlation Functions [GA]


We have developed a new analytic method to compute the galaxy two-point correlation functions (TPCFs) efficiently and accurately. We have derived precise formulas of the normalized random-random pair counts $RR(r)$ as functions of the survey area dimensions. We have also suggested algorithms to compute the normalized data-random pair counts $DR(r)$ analytically for a given data set and survey area. This method is applicable to survey areas with rectangular, cuboidal, circular, or spherical shapes. With all edge corrections fully considered analytically, our method computes $RR(r)$ and $DR(r)$ with perfect accuracy and zero variance in $O(1)$ and $O(N_g)$ time, respectively. Together with the data-data pair counts $DD(r)$, they can be used to compute TPCFs with any estimator at a speed 4 to 5 orders of magnitude faster than the traditional brute-force Monte Carlo method, which has $O(N_r^2)$ scaling. This method is favored over the Monte Carlo method whenever applicable. It is also directly applicable to galaxy angular TPCFs when the survey area is close to Euclidean.

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C. He
Fri, 16 Jul 21

Comments: 15 pages, 3 figures, submitted to AAS Journals