A fast and reliable method for the comparison of covariance matrices [CEA]


Covariance matrices are important tools for obtaining reliable parameter constraints. Advancements in cosmological surveys lead to larger data vectors and, consequently, increasingly complex covariance matrices, whose number of elements grows as the square of the size of the data vector. The most straightforward way of comparing these matrices involve a full cosmological analysis, which can be very computationally expensive. Using the concept and construction of compression schemes, which have become increasingly popular, we propose a fast and reliable way of comparing covariance matrices. The basic idea is to only focus on the portion of the covariance matrix that is relevant for the parameter constraints and quantify, via a fast Monte Carlo simulation, the difference of a second candidate matrix from the baseline one. To test this method, we applied it to two covariance matrices that were used to analyse the cosmic shear measurements for the Dark Energy Survey. We found that the uncertainties on the parameters change by 2.6\%, a figure in qualitative agreement with the full cosmological analysis. While our approximate method cannot replace a full analysis, it may be useful during the development and validation of codes that estimate covariance matrices. Our method takes roughly 100 times less CPUh than a full cosmological analysis.

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T. Ferreira and V. Marra
Mon, 12 Jul 21

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