A New Challenge for Dark Matter Models [GA]


Cold dark matter (CDM) has faced a number of challenges mainly at small scales, such as the too-big-to-fail problem, and core-cusp density profile of dwarf galaxies. Such problems were argued to have a solution either in the baryonic physics sector or in modifying the nature of dark matter to be self-interacting, or self-annihilating, or ultra-light. Here we present a new challenge for CDM by showing that some of Milky Way’s satellites are too dense, requiring the formation masses and redshifts of halos in CDM not compatible with being a satellite. These too-dense-to-be-satellite systems are dominated by dark matter and exhibit a surface density above mean dark matter cosmic surface density $\sim\Omega_{dm} \rho_c c/H_0\approx 200~\rm M_{\odot}/pc^2$. This value corresponds to dark matter pressure of $\approx 10^{-10}{\rm erg/cm^3}$. This problem, unlike other issues facing CDM, has no solution in the baryonic sector and none of the current alternatives of dark matter can account for it. The too-dense-to-be-satellite problem presented in this work provides a new clue for the nature of dark matter, never accounted for before.

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M. Safarzadeh and A. Loeb
Fri, 9 Jul 21

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