Fuzzy instantons in landscape and swampland: review of the Hartle-Hawking wave function and several applications [CL]


The Euclidean path integral is well approximated by instantons. If instantons are dynamical, then instantons are necessarily complexified. These fuzzy instantons can have various physical applications. In slow-roll inflation models, fuzzy instantons can explain the probability distribution of the initial conditions of the universe. Even though the potential shape does not satisfy the slow-roll conditions following the swampland criteria, still the fuzzy instantons can explain the origin of the universe. If we extend the Euclidean path integral beyond the no-boundary proposal, we may study fuzzy Euclidean wormholes that have various physical applications in cosmology and black hole physics. We summarize them and discuss possible future research topics.

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D. Yeom
Tue, 22 Jun 21

Comments: 22 pages, 9 figures; Invited review for Universe