Gravity Waves and Primordial Black Holes in Scalar Warm Little Inflation [CL]

In warm inflation, dissipation due to the interactions of the inflaton field to other light degrees of freedom leads naturally to the enhancement of the primordial spectrum during the last 10-20 efolds of inflation. We study this effect in a variant of the Warm Little Inflaton model, where the inflaton couples to light scalars, with a quartic chaotic potential. These large fluctuations on re-entry will form light, evaporating Primordial Black Holes, with masses lighter than $10^6$ g. But at the same time they will act as a source for the tensors at second order. The enhancement is maximal near the end of inflation, which result in a spectral density of Gravitational Waves (GW) peaked at frequencies $f \sim O(10^3-10^5)$ Hz today, and with an amplitude $\Omega_{GW} \sim 10^{-10}-10^{-8}$. Although the frequency range is outside the reach of present and planned GW detectors, it might be reached in future high-frequency gravitational waves detectors, designed to search for cosmological stochastic GW backgrounds above MHz frequencies.

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M. Bastero-Gil and M. Díaz-Blanco
Tue, 18 May 21

Comments: 16 page, 7 figures