Naturally-Coupled Dark Sectors [CL]

The dark sector, composed of the fields neutral under the Standard Model (SM) gauge group, can couple to the SM through the Higgs, hypercharge and neutrino portals, and pull the SM towards its scale by loop corrections. This instability, not possible to prevent in the known SM completions like supersymmetry due to their sizable couplings to the SM, calls for alternative mechanisms which can neutralize sensitivities of the SM to the dark sector scale and to the ultraviolet cutoff above it. Here we review such a mechanism in which incorporation of gravity into the SM predicts the existence of a dark sector and allows it to be naturally-coupled to the SM. We discuss and illustrate salient processes which can probe the naturally-coupled dark sectors.

Read this paper on arXiv…

D. Demir
Tue, 11 May 21

Comments: 17 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. A review to appear in MDPI Galaxies Topical Collection “A Trip Across the Universe: Our Present Knowledge and Future Perspectives”