Mergers of primordial black holes in extreme clusters and the "$H_0$ tension" problem [CEA]

We consider a cosmological model with dark matter in the form of $\sim10^{-12}M_\odot$ primordial black holes in dense weakly relativistic clusters with masses $18-560M_\odot$. It is shown that during the multiple collisions of the black holes the $\sim10$% of the initial cluster mass can be transformed into gravitational waves in the time interval from recombination to the redshifts $z\geq 10$. At the recombination epoch, the density of matter was larger by $\sim10$% and, accordingly, the Universe expansion rate was higher. This leads to a shortening of the sound horizon scale, as is necessary to solve the “$H_0$ tension” problem.

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Y. Eroshenko
Tue, 11 May 21

Comments: 6 pages, 3 figures; preprint version