New general DBI action, its solution to the paradox of the conversion of kinetic and potential energy in equal rights and their true applications to inflationary cosmology [CL]

The Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) field theory in string theory is important and can provide the field of the universe’s inflation. At the same time, it provides a causal mechanism for generating the original density perturbation, thereby providing the necessary density perturbation for existing the dense and sparse matter distributions of the universe. However, there is the paradox of the conversion of potential energy and kinetic energy in equal rights in string theory. Therefore, we give a new general DBI action, which enables the kinetic energy and potential energy in the action to be converted each other in equal rights, i.e., solving the paradox. Therefore, we deduce a new general DBI action, introduce it into inflationary cosmology to calculate various inflation parameters, further calculate the scalar perturbation spectrum and the tensor-scalar ratio, which are compared with Planck + WMAP9 + BAO data, the power spectrum predicted by the new general DBI inflation theory satisfies the CMB Experiment constraints, i.e., is consistent with the current theories and experimental observations. Consequently, the theory of this paper conforms to current experiments and is supplying the current theories, and also a new way of explaining the inflation of the universe.

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X. Yang, W. Xu and Y. Huang
Thu, 6 May 21

Comments: 15 pages, 3 figures