Astrophysical Wormholes [CL]

Wormholes are hypothetical topologically-non-trivial structures of the spacetime. From the theoretical point of view, the possibility of their existence is challenging but cannot be ruled out. This article is a compact and non-exhaustive review of past and current efforts to search for astrophysical wormholes in the Universe.

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C. Bambi and D. Stojkovic
Tue, 4 May 21

Comments: 12 pages, 9 figures. Invited contribution to the special issue of Universe “Recent Advances in Wormhole Physics” (Eds. K.A. Bronnikov and S. Sushkov). Partially based on e-Print 2010.03947 [gr-qc], e-Print 2007.12184 [gr-qc], e-Print 1910.00429 [gr-qc], e-Print 1810.03432 [hep-th]. Comments are welcome